30 Proven Productivity Hacks to Instantly Increase Your Focus

I listend to “30 Proven Productivity Hacks to Instantly Increase Your Focus and Concentration Even If You Are Lazy: Stop Procrastinating & Self Sabotage, Overcome Laziness, Get Things Done, and Achieve Your Goals“ by Martin Carter on Audible. I am currently testing my way through the hacks in order to have less stress and increase my productivity. Here’s my summary:

  1. Plan the day ahead. Planning ahead always works. Take 15 minutes every evening to think about what you have achieved today and what needs to be done tomorrow, as well as how you would like to organise your day.

  2. Keep a to do list. Divide a large task into smaller, less time consuming tasks. Crossing things off your to do list gives you motivation to do more tasks.

  3. Prioritize important tasks. Which project is the most important? What do I need to do first to finish a project?

  4. Complete similar tasks in badges to save time. Check your to do list and search for similar tasks (like writing invoices) and complete them in the same time frame.

  5. Set attainable goals for yourself. Even small accomplishments give you motivation to work harder.

  6. Don't be a perfectionist - it stands in the way of your productivity. If you focus too much on everything having to be perfect, you will go over the task again and again and lose time.

  7. Avoid checking emails in the morning. This can kill your productivity, because it gives you too much information at once. Use the first hours of your working day for problem solving and important or creative tasks. Check emails in your least productive hours.

  8. Don't let distractions interfere with your flow. Try staying away from social media throughout your work day. Don't check social media or apps first thing in the morning. Switch off your phone for important tasks.

  9. Take breaks. No matter how productive you are, nobody can work 8-9 hours without breaks while being focused and productive. Breaks give you energy. Try the pomodoro technique.

  10. Identify your productive hours. Work on important things in your most productive hours and work on mundane tasks in your less productive hours. For most people their most productive hours are in the morning.

  11. Snack throughout the day. Your brain needs fuel to stay healthy and focused. Don't eat or drink sweet things or things with a lot of caffeine to get short-term energy.

  12. Reward yourself to boost motivation.

  13. Organize your workplace. Separate it from your bedroom if you're working from home. Don't work in bed. If you live in a small flat, turn your least-used area into your workspace. Remove unnecessary and distracting items from your desk.

  14. Keep a work journal to track your progress. Watch yourself grow - it encourages you to work harder and reach your goals.

  15. Set a timer. A sense of urgency helps you to work faster. You can also use the pomodoro technique here.

  16. Use a calendar to create the urgency in your mind to work in a productive manner. A calendar can give you an overview over your weekly and monthly events and projects.

  17. Hold your meetings in the afternoon or in your less productive working hours. Meetings can drain your energy due to lots of information. Pick a day where you have the least tasks. Think carefully about whether a meeting is really necessary. If not, cancel it.

  18. Control your sleeping habits. 8 hours of sleep is necessary for your brain to function long term. Avoid sleeping too much.

  19. Do light workouts during breaks. Movement is good for your health and your productivity. You can also try standing desks.

  20. Use music or beats to focus. Many people can concentrate better that way.

  21. Watch your diet. Food is directly related to your energy level. Try to reduce sugary foods, fast food and too much caffeine.

  22. Avoid multi-tasking. If you do too many things at once, it can decrease your focus and destroy your productivity and cause stress. Focus on one thing at a time.

  23. Delegate work, when required. Distribute your workload.

  24. Use intermediate times (like commuting) to finish insignificant tasks. Try using your time better.

  25. Avoid taking in too much information at once, as our brains can only process a certain amount of information at a time.

  26. Weed out unnecessary activities. Concentrate on important tasks that solve problems, bring in revenue or success, etc.

  27. Use scientifically proven methods to improve your productivity like the Eisenhower principle or the Ivy Lee method.

  28. Use software and apps to improve productivity. I have a list of my favorite productivity tools here.

  29. Strictly separate working time and private time. Stick to routines.

  30. Have meaningful conversations with your co-workers, peers etc.. Having a meaningful conversation can increase your productivity. Discuss strategies, ask them for tips, help each other solve problems and get inspired - new ideas can lead to inspiration and a better focus. Don't use this to avoid work.


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